domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

yes a soon new entry xD am and max fanart.

stive purcell is indeed an other great artist that inspairs me with hes work to do what i want, and actually that aswers to us, that people that vener his work on his blog...he answerd me that this draw was nicw 8).

and more angry beavers fanart

i have more angry beavers fanart, but i will submit somthing diferent next time.

more angry beavers fanart

enjoy the beavers.

some fanart

i love angry beavers, is bad that nickelodeon was so stiupid and canceled the the show wast canceled for the unaired episode "byebye beavers" that episode, as obvius as it is, is an agretion against nickelodeon, after the people of the angry beavers knew nickleoodeon was planning to cancel the show, thats way they broucked all the rules on that episode...saing that they were cartoons, telling that the show was going to be cancel, etc, i know they brocke one more rule on that episode, and dagg told norbert on that episode "shut up!" for a famous to stiupid censure on other episode alley oops, when nick edited norbert saing shut up...ironic, after that people became angry because they thougth norbert was saing "shit up" other rezon of way the show was canceled was arleny clasky did all she could to made the show be canceled, when it was as popular as rugrats and rugrats was going to be day i will tell the full story on the blog, well, if some one actually visit it. i send this drjavascript:void(0)aw to the maisl of nick bakay, richard horvitz and mitsh schauer, only with the subjet of "a present of a fan" but they shuld have as mush of that type of mails that i seriusly dont beliave mich and richard read it, to nick bakay i added a big mail of way itwas my favorite voice actor on a character, and way i love the voices on the angry beavers and think are the best with hem and richard, an way i thougth thats one of the rezons of way it will never be again a cartoon as the angry beavers, i even telled that i wasnt expecting an answer or that he really readed the mail, that i was just filling as wanting to give somthing to SOME of the people that made my favorite show what it was, and helped me wanting even more to study animation, he is a bussy man, producing, wraiting, acting on shows and cartoons, been a columnist and a script wraiter, but he answered, xD and that made me send hem to more draws on other mail, but thats all, im not planning to be a stalcker or somthing like that...


pues creo que es hora de usar este blog, aunque entiendo muy poco como usarlo

este es un fenec, y pues trabaje mucho en el estilo del personaje, mas de lo que parece, un fenec es el canino mas pequeño del mundo, sip, mas pequeño que un chihuahueño...les dejo la foto de un fenec para que agarren la idea. Pues mis planes con este personaje son muy claros, se llama Asil, y es una es chica...bien es una chica anciosa, sensible inteligente, pero impasiente, bastante, tiene ganas de comerce al mundo, y cuando se fija un objetivo no lo abandona hasta obtenerlo, no tiene pasiencia para esperar a largo plazo, así que lo que la gente lograría normalmente en años, ella busca obtenerlo en batallas semicotidianas epicas como en 5 minutos, tiene mucha iniciativa, pero tambien disfruta la araganería y la diverción sin sentido, si obtiene por ejemplo un puesto alto, ya en el, no hara mas que pintarse las uñas y hacer origami, vivira en un edificio departamental para animales pequeños, el dueño sera una rata lobo que luego planeo subir, aun no lo he entintado...
en fin les dejo el link con la imagen de un fenec real que alguien mas subió a la red...